Cyborg Studios only has roughly 15-20 products for sale online at any given time... HOWEVER! We have made more that 250 individual different types of toys, furniture, and custom designs requested by own customers!
Have a desire for a knife that is completely made out of wood? Well so did another buyer about 2 years ago. They gave us they size they wanted and the only stipulation was that it could only be made out of wood.

After a little bit of looking around and deciding which knife style I wanted to work on first, we picked the folding pocket knife you see above. That's right, it is a completely working knife that folds. A couple of years later and now we can easily say that roughly 50 of these made out of various woods now live out in the world!
Want something not on the site?: Ask!
What you might not know is that it cost us to have our products listed on certain websites. This means we only list the ones we think will sell so we do not waste money. It doesn't mean that we won't sell it! If you have seen it in our bag, on our sales table at an event, or just think it would be cool if we made it... ask us and we might say yes!
Will we make anything?: No!
There are definitely limits on what we will make. Some things just require so much time and effort to create that for a one-off item it is easy/cheaper to but it else where. Of course some things require special tools and training that we might not have access too... though that is a much smaller chance that the first reason!
How do you request a special order?: Click HERE
If you click the link provided above (or this one), You will be directed to our "Custom Orders" page that has a Contact Us button on it. If you fill out the form that pops up we will reply. Please give us as much information as possible when filling out the form so it makes it easier on us to answer your questions quicker!
Will you tell others what I ordered?: Not without permission!
We take consent very personal at Cyborg Studios. That could mean during a scene or simply your privacy. If you have a request nobody will ever know about it unless we ask you for permission and you say yes!
So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and request a special order today!!!